Step 6
Select the vertex where the two parts of the
mesh joints.
Click on Vertex - Weld Together
The flat line is gone.
Now is time to make the assignemets.
Select the right calf and assign it to r_calf.
Milkshape uses to show the right part of the mesh on the left and upside
down, so make sure that you're assignning the joints correctly!!
Then select the rigth foot and assign it to
Do the same with the other leg changing r by l ;-).
On the Groups tag, click on Comment.
A Pop up windoww will appear. C copy the text of the
window (in this case BodyName: body)
Select all the groups and click on
Regroup. Now rename the new group as body
Now click on Comment and paste
the comment again on the pop up window.
Export your work. Done, you're ready to
work on the textures :-)
NOTE: The Map of the shoe meshes is ready to work on most Maxis
meshes without changing its position. Anyway I recommend you to look
on the Textures coordiation Editor in Milkshape before to
close the program just to be sure that the shoes are in a free
position of the map.