This lot requires the EP "Apartment Life". lot size: 3 x 3; A B C Rent 3827 2796 2175 capacity 5-6 2 3-4 apartment type 2 story 1 story (split-level) 1 story Custom Contents included: "Fugly Fern" by buggybooz@MTS2 three plants from "Desert Landscapes" by macarossi@MTS2 Glass Block wall window by Moon_Ez@MTS2 "small shrubby shrub" by HystericalParoxysm@MTS2 "Rock Collection" by nengi65@SimsCrossing outdoor palms by Nofrena@Wood for Sims **) These files are included with Nofrena's special permission. Thanks so much for permission to include them! one wall and 1 floor by Kate@Parsimonious bottomful floor by bluetexasbonnie@The Sorceress and Company one wall and 1 floor by me When lot was packaged, University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage and Apartment Life, and all SPs up to H&M Fashion had been installed in my PC.